Heating caps are great for deep conditioning your hair! Now that I have one I don't know what I ever did without it. It opens the hair shaft and helps the deep conditioner work better. It also is used for heat activated conditioners.
I have only tried one heating cap so far and that is Gold "N Hot Professional. I do like it, however I don't feel the heat is evenly distributed around my entire head and some spots get more heat than others. I do love the fact that I can control the heat from low, medium, to high. I get a good amount of heat on high without burning. I really don't have a comparison to go by and I would love to by a hooded dryer next but I suppose this one works well for now. I really just wish it heated the same all around. Even though it doesn't, I do notice that all my hair does warm up, so it's still getting the benefits from it. I give this product at 7 out of 10.